Straight Up Treatment

Therapy For Children

Help your child tap into their strengths and still be the kid that enjoys life. Online and in-person child therapy, serving Los Angeles and surrounding areas.

Therapy can help your child:

Thumbs up icon

Boost Their Confidence

Arrow and target icon

Tackle Anxiety & Stress

Pushing up a hill icon

Cope With Difficult Situations

Family playing soccer on the beach

We see you, parent

Watching your child struggle, face obstacles, or wrestle with difficult emotions can feel overwhelming. The weight of wanting to provide comfort, while not always knowing the best path forward, can be both challenging and isolating.

Whether they’re battling challenges like anxiety or trying to find their place in life, they deserve the support and care that will help them on their journey.

Our team specializes in supporting children, helping them unearth their potential and guiding them toward a brighter, more resilient future.

You're not alone, and neither is your child.


Child Therapy - A Closer Look

We create a safe space where children can express their feelings, worries, and thoughts, all with the guidance of our friendly therapists who understand the unique way kids see the world.

Whether it’s adjusting to changes, making friends, or dealing with big feelings, therapy offers kids the tools they need to understand and manage their emotions.

For parents, it’s like offering your child a guiding star: a beacon to help them find their way through the maze of growing up. Embracing child therapy doesn’t mean there’s something wrong, and doesn’t need to be reserved for times of crisis; it’s a proactive step towards ensuring your child feels heard, understood, and empowered.

Parenthood is a journey, and with our support through child therapy, our aim is that you are able to navigate its ups and downs with confidence.

Mom and child

Areas Child Therapy Can Help

Therapy can support you and your child with a number of concerns. Here are the most common reasons parents seek therapy support for their child.
Childhood can sometimes feel like a whirlwind of emotions. When anxiety and stress strike, they can cloud your child’s world. Through specialized techniques, we teach children to become detectives of their own emotions. They learn to pinpoint what’s troubling them and why. By recognizing these feelings, your child gains the power to manage and even tame them. We equip them with an array of tools—think of them as emotional shields and swords—that help dispel the fog of anxiety and stress, nurturing a space of inner calm and clarity.
Every behavior tells a story. Sometimes, these stories can be complex and challenging to interpret. With our integrative approach, which seamlessly marries modern insights with time-tested wisdom, we delve deep into understanding these narratives. By exploring the root causes, your child learns to understand the ‘why’ behind their actions. This understanding paves the way for healthier expressions, enabling them to share their feelings, needs, and concerns in ways that build bridges, not barriers.
Friendships and social interactions are the colorful threads that weave the tapestry of childhood. But not every child finds it easy to connect, share, or play. In our therapy space, your child gets to practice the art of being social in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. Think of it as a playground for social skills, where they learn to listen, share, cooperate, and even navigate disagreements. The goal is to ensure they can forge and foster meaningful relationships, enriching their childhood experiences.
The belief in oneself is the magical potion of life. Yet, in the vast world of growing up, children might sometimes lose sight of their worth. Through self-awareness exercises, we help your child tune in to their inner strengths, talents, and capabilities. Coupled with positive affirmations, these practices reignite the spark of self-belief, empowering your child to face challenges head-on, dream big, and set the stage for successes in every realm of life.
Life is an ever-evolving landscape. From changing schools to welcoming a new sibling, children face numerous transitions that can be as exciting as they are daunting. Changes, big or small, can shake their sense of stability. We walk alongside your child during these times, offering tools and insights to navigate these transitions with resilience. By viewing change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle, they learn to adapt, grow, and find joy in the new chapters of their life story.

The approach we use can vary based on your child’s personality and needs, and may include modalities such as:

Helps children recognize and modify negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Involving parents and skill building to ensure you can support your child best.

Through gentle guidance, exposure therapy helps kids conquer fears and increase resilience.

Who We Are

Why Work With Straight Up Treatment?

Dr. Christine Izquierdo at the therapy office in Los Angeles

Dr. Christine Izquierdo

Owner & Lead Therapist

Licensed Psychologist

We do things differently.

Blending cutting-edge treatments with time-honored methods, we create an integrative approach that is personally tailored to your needs.

We believe that therapy isn’t just about treating the symptoms—it’s about mastering how you handle them. It’s about leaning into the scary parts and facing them in a way that allows you to emerge stronger on the other side.

Our team boosts your courage when working with difficult emotions to create the level of self-awareness and confidence you need to live your potential.

At Straight Up Treatment, we offer therapy that is:

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Our Approach

How Child Therapy Works

At Straight Up Treatment, we meet your child where they are at.

Here, both you and your child will find a warm and confidential space to explore emotions, challenges, and aspirations without any fear of judgment.

Our approach offers a balanced blend of structure and adaptability, crafting a unique path towards your child’s emotional and mental well-being.

Our First Session

First, we learn about your child's unique world and what challenges they and you are facing.

Personalized Plan

Together, we develop a therapy plan that resonates with your child's and family’s needs and aligns with their comfort level.

Ongoing Support

Session by session, we ensure you and your child collect skills and strengths, prepping them for every adventure ahead.

Let's do this!

Straight Up Treatment

What You Can Expect From Child Therapy

While each child is different, with heart and commitment, your may notice that your child:

Therapy can help your child navigate the maze of emotions and challenges that come with growing up

Questions About Child Therapy

Absolutely, parents often play a pivotal role in child therapy. The degree of involvement varies based on the therapeutic approach, the child’s needs, and the specific challenges being addressed.

Parent participation can range from initial assessments to gather background information, and individual or group sessions with parents to help learn tools and skills that will better support your child. The reason for this involvement is multifold. Firstly, therapy is more effective when the child’s primary caregivers are on board and understand the therapeutic techniques. Secondly, therapists can offer parents strategies and tools to reinforce therapeutic goals at home. Lastly, many challenges children face are interconnected with family dynamics, and addressing them together can lead to more holistic and lasting solutions.

Yes, it’s standard practice to provide parents with updates on their child’s progress in therapy, always keeping the child’s best interests in mind. While the specifics of what’s shared might be guided by confidentiality and the child’s comfort level, general progress, observed behaviors, and therapeutic milestones are often discussed. Regular check-ins or parent consultation sessions are scheduled to ensure parents are informed and feel involved in their child’s therapeutic journey.

Absolutely, younger kids can benefit significantly from therapy. While their challenges might differ from older children, they too have emotions, experiences, and stressors that they might not fully understand or be able to communicate.

However, for kids under 10, we do things a bit differently. We don’t recommend younger kids participate in individual therapy because they tend to not be able to engage with more sophisticated CBT and skills focused interventions we use. Instead, we use attachment-based techniques and CBT skills to coach you as the parent on how to best help your child regulate their emotions, cope with anxiety and stress, and improve communication and family relationship dynamics. Parent sessions with the child are often part of the treatment plan as well.

We highly recommend that kids (and all clients!) come to see us in person at the office, as we find it to be the most impactful and effective interaction. The core pillar of what makes therapy most effective is the relationship and connection to the therapist and the process. However, when regular in-person meetings are challenging due to distance, health concerns, or other logistical issues, virtual sessions can still be an effective option.

However, virtual therapy is the most effective when it’s used in a hybrid format as a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. The key is to ensure that the virtual environment is conducive to therapy, with minimal distractions and a comfortable space for the child.

Children respond differently to therapeutic approaches, often depending on their age, challenges, and individual personalities. We tailor our approach to each child, and their treatment may include a combination of the following:

  • Individual Therapy for Kids & Parent Support Coaching: A dual approach targeting child well-being while also equipping parents with effective support strategies.


  • Anxiety Management Skill Building: Tools and exercises designed to help children navigate and alleviate their anxiety.


  • Social Skills Enhancement: Fostering better interpersonal interactions and social confidence.


  • Exposure Therapy: A method that gradually introduces children to their fears, helping them conquer these anxieties and bolster their resilience.


  • Distress Tolerance Skill Building: Techniques aimed at reducing the frequency and intensity of meltdowns by enhancing a child’s ability to handle distress.


  • Effective Communication Skill Building: Empowering children with the ability to express themselves clearly and confidently, improving both their self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.
Happy children on their parents backs in a field

Still have questions?

Straight Up Treatment

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to get started, please schedule a free phone consultation with our client coordinator. We will understand your needs and ensure we are a good fit before booking your first treatment planning appointment. Use the button below to book directly online. You can also call us or submit a request via the contact form. We look forward to connecting with you!

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(424) 777-0520

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Straight Up Treatment

Helping your child discover their inner strength, resilience, and the joy