Author:Christine Izquierdo, Psy.D.

person packing clothes

Could You Be Suffering from OCD? Exploring Symptoms in Adults

Go ahead and ask someone about obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD symptoms and you’ll get plenty of comments about compulsive neatness. Sure, this can be a component but it doesn’t do justice to how complex OCD typically is. We’ll get more into definitions and symptoms below but first, let’s clarify some of the specifics about this condition....

adhd written in chalk

Can ADHD Be Managed without Medication?

Some connected trends are happening around attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Since more folks are aware of this condition, more folks are getting tested. The rise in testing has resulted in a rise in ADHD diagnoses....

man sitting on a bench surrounded by trees

5 Tips for Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Even with treatment and diligent self-care, OCD can hamper your ability to maintain your mental and physical well-being. OCD thought patterns can get deeply embedded, but the cycle can be managed — and even broken....

photo of a woman who's face is covered by her hair as she leans forward crying into her hand

High-Functioning Anxiety: The Common Signs and Symptoms Explained

Some folks realize that being identified as anxious only increases their anxiety. Therefore, they create coping mechanisms that serve to hide it. In fact, these coping skills can make a person with anxiety actually look confident, composed, and remarkably productive....

6 Keys to Embracing Disability Accommodations for Anxiety

College life is a whirlwind of adventures, late-night study sessions, newfound friendships, and, of course, the occasional dining hall mystery meat. It's an exciting journey, but it can also be anxiety-inducing, especially if you're grappling with anxiety.   The good news? You're not alone, and colleges are equipped with resources to help you succeed, including disability accommodations tailored to your unique needs. Here are six keys to not only navigating college but thriving with disability accommodations for anxiety.   Embrace Self-Awareness: The first step is to understand yourself better. What specific aspects of college life trigger your anxiety? Is it social situations, exams, or something else entirely? Knowing your triggers empowers you to seek the right accommodations.   Reach Out for Support: Colleges offer counseling services that are essentially your campus's version of a therapist's office. It's a safe space to discuss your anxiety, develop coping strategies, and explore whether disability accommodations might be...