dating anxiety Tag

Common Fears With Dating Anxiety

Does dating make you feel nervous? If so, you’re far from alone - in fact, 1 out of 5 people feel nervous about relationships and the dating experience. Just some of the most dreaded things about dating included being ghosted - or suddenly ignored - by a potential partner, awkwardness around defining the boundaries of the relationship - the “what are we?” talk - and the influence of social media presence on modern relationships. For all people, these elements can be, and usually are, nerve-inducing.   What if you have dating anxiety, though? Dating anxiety is more than just the normal dating jitters - dating anxiety is an overwhelming, sometimes debilitating feeling around the process of dating. Dating anxiety can cause us to have physical symptoms, like a racing heart or sweating. It can also be a sign of unresolved relationship trauma, abandonment issues, or social anxiety disorder.   What are some common fears...