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6 Keys to Embracing Disability Accommodations for Anxiety

College life is a whirlwind of adventures, late-night study sessions, newfound friendships, and, of course, the occasional dining hall mystery meat. It's an exciting journey, but it can also be anxiety-inducing, especially if you're grappling with anxiety.   The good news? You're not alone, and colleges are equipped with resources to help you succeed, including disability accommodations tailored to your unique needs. Here are six keys to not only navigating college but thriving with disability accommodations for anxiety.   Embrace Self-Awareness: The first step is to understand yourself better. What specific aspects of college life trigger your anxiety? Is it social situations, exams, or something else entirely? Knowing your triggers empowers you to seek the right accommodations.   Reach Out for Support: Colleges offer counseling services that are essentially your campus's version of a therapist's office. It's a safe space to discuss your anxiety, develop coping strategies, and explore whether disability accommodations might be...

Navigating an Enmeshed Relationship

Picture this: you’ve finally found the perfect partner. You do everything together. You share all the same friends, do all the same hobbies together, and like all the same things. You two like each other so much, you find it hard to spend any time at all apart. In fact, you even find yourself canceling your plans to stay home with your partner. This must be a fairy tale, right?   Well, maybe. While having affection, shared interests, and a positive social circle with your partner is not a bad thing, partners who fit the above scenario are at danger of becoming enmeshed. An enmeshed relationship is one in which the needs of each individual are so blurred, there’s only the needs of the couple. This means one or both partners may neglect their personal aspirations, thoughts, feelings, friends, hobbies, and desires in an attempt to be identical to their partner.   Some signs...

Common Fears With Dating Anxiety

Does dating make you feel nervous? If so, you’re far from alone - in fact, 1 out of 5 people feel nervous about relationships and the dating experience. Just some of the most dreaded things about dating included being ghosted - or suddenly ignored - by a potential partner, awkwardness around defining the boundaries of the relationship - the “what are we?” talk - and the influence of social media presence on modern relationships. For all people, these elements can be, and usually are, nerve-inducing.   What if you have dating anxiety, though? Dating anxiety is more than just the normal dating jitters - dating anxiety is an overwhelming, sometimes debilitating feeling around the process of dating. Dating anxiety can cause us to have physical symptoms, like a racing heart or sweating. It can also be a sign of unresolved relationship trauma, abandonment issues, or social anxiety disorder.   What are some common fears...

Managing Expectations in Relationships with an Anxious Partner

For those impacted by it, the reality of anxiety is that many, if not most, things they do are in some way affected by anxiety. Going to the grocery store may be anxiety-inducing from the crowds. Visiting a new place for the first time can be overwhelming from uncertainty and departure from the norm. Meeting new people can be absolutely terrifying and avoided at all costs. For the forty million adults in America living with anxiety everyday, it may feel that the mental health concern has a hand and presence in everything.   What about relationships? Anxiety can impact a myriad of things in romantic relationships. For example, an anxious partner may ask (or expect without asking) more reassurance from their partner. They may be more indecisive. They may overthink conversations, texts, and scenarios after a non-anxious partner has long forgotten about them. Anxiety may lead to avoidance, too - avoidance of...